
During the conference, a number of volunteers will be needed to assist in the organization and to facilitate the foreign speakers in getting along the conference activities.

Why to volunteer? for a Greek located young student or professional willing to start acquiring experience in international professional fields, without having to leave Greece, this 4-days conference is a unique opportunity to get involved in a truly multinational setup.

With hundreds of participants coming from many different countries, the conference presents a great opportunity to get acquainted in a multinational environment and acquire a lot of expertise in a number of organization, PR and on-the-job service fields.

What volunteers will be expected to do? During the conference five or six key note speeches and more than 25 individual presentations will take place, as well as a number of hands-on workshops. Volunteers more-or-less will be involved in:

  • Planning & organization issues, before and during the conference
  • Welcoming participants and assisting in registration process
  • Assisting key note speakers and presenters with daily procedural issues
  • Providing information to foreign visitors about Athens nitty-gritty staff (i.e. transportation, museums, cultural habits, strolling around etc.)

The volunteers’ team will be formed between February and March 2022 and will gather for the first time during the first days of April 2019. All hands-on tasks will take place the week between April 26 - 30, 2022 and between 8 am – 8 pm. There is no minimum or maximum limit on how many hours of work a volunteer may be willing to offer.

The conference will do cover a number of daily cost issues involved with volunteer’s daily work (i.e. lunch). More importantly of course, it will offer volunteers a unique professional experience documented with a certificate of volunteering, as well as with a reference letter where applicable.

How to apply: by sending an email to describing in a short paragraph who you are and the reasons you would love to get involved with the conference. Personal interviews will follow.
