Serafeim was born and raised in Athens. As a child he used to spend all the summer months in the mountains and forests of Central Greece with his family. In nature, where the games didn’t exist but randomly occurred.

It was this upbringing that motivated him to work in summer camps in the countryside, where he could experiment, innovate and spread the joy of inventing and designing games through the stimuli offered by nature. Trial and error were the basic ingredients in his recipe of play because, as he observed, they were sooner or later accompanied with evolution and success.

Eventually, after graduating from N.K.U.A. in the study of Theology (2012), he received his degree in Preschool Education from IEK AKMI (2015). He has completed a yearly seminar in Speech therapy and Interdisciplinary Consideration (2016) and obtained his Master’s Degree in Special Needs and Inclusive Education at the Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education of N.K.U.A. (2022).

He started his internship at Dorothy Snot in 2014. There, he developed a program in which activities and structured play in school meet the freely chosen, undirected and almost unsupervised play in the great outdoors.

Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye and you can still find him creating obstacle courses and playgrounds with lose parts at school, or hiking in the forests nearby, climbing trees and exploring with his little friends.
